Thursday, December 30, 2010
You Know You're A Farmer If . . .
You know you’re a farmer if….
* You know all the words to Big Green Tractor and International Harvester.
* The weather forecast determines how your day will go.
* Getting dressed in anything but farm clothes is painful.
* Shopping for fun means a couple hours at Tractor Supply.
* The people that know you best work at the local feed store.
* Being without a truck for a week like missing your shoes and working barefoot.
* You have subscriptions to Goat Rancher, Dairy Goat Journal and Llama Life (or livestock of your choice).
* A good mail day is getting one of the above.
* You hang out in the livestock barns at the county fair.
* Your work pants (in my case, overalls) weigh about 30 lbs. by the end of the day or week because they’re filled with baling twine, hoof trimmers, screws and nails, screwdrivers, etc.
* You have to leave your work boots on the porch.
* A “roll in the hay” means you slept in the barn because you have a sick animal.
* A jeweler looks at you with disgust when you bring your rings in for cleaning.
* Someone arrives for a farm visit wearing high heels and white pants and you look at them like they’re from Mars.
* Kids think you’re cool.
* Your emergency phone number list consists of veterinarians.
* Your cupboards and a shelf in your fridge are full of syringes, wormers, and other livestock medicines and treatments.
* Your sinks need to be cleaned of hay daily.
* Breakfast is the most incredible meal of the day.
* The words mucking and fecals are used often.
* You plan your life around feeding times.
* You know you will never be a hand model.
* You have Bag Balm for your animals and your hands.
* You are late or cannot attend events because of chores.
* You’ve canceled a dentist or doctor’s appointment because of a sick or birthing animal and the receptionist sucks in her breath with that “you can’t be serious” sound.
* You’ve been outside in every temperature and every kind of weather, and thoughts of Toto from the Wizard of Oz have popped up more than any other.
* Seeing old farmland replaced by development makes you physically hurt.
* Doing your hair means picking hay out of it.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Hanging Rock State Park Adventures

Seminar on Animal Defenses
Join a ranger on Saturday January 1st at 2:00 pm in the Hanging Rock State Park Visitor's Center auditorium, and learn about some of the animals in the park and the many ways they defend themselves from predators.
Hike to Tory's Den
Join a park ranger on Sunday January 2nd at 2:00 pm in the Tory’s Den parking lot for a short (0.3 mi) hike to the cave and nearby waterfalls. You will discuss how the area was used during the American Revolution and learn a bit of interesting local history. Please no dogs at program.

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Gift of the Old One
By Eunice Day, Washington ME
The young couple had made their usual hurried, pre-Christmas visit to
the little farm where dwelt their elderly parents with their small herd of
goats. The farm had been named Lone Pine Farm because of the huge pine
which topped the hill behind the farm, and through the years had become a
talisman to the old man and his wife, and a landmark in the countryside.
The old folks no longer showed their goats, for the years had taken
their toll, but they sold a little milk, and a few kids each year, and the
goats were their reason for joy in the morning and contentment at day's
Crossly, as they prepared to leave, the young couple confronted the
old folks. "Why do you not at least dispose of "The Old One". She is no
longer of use to you. It's been years since you've had either kids or milk
from her. You should cut corners and save where you can. Why do you keep
her anyway?" The old man looked down as his worn boot scuffed at the barn
floor and his arm stole defensively about the Old One's neck as he drew
her to him and rubbed her gently behind the ears. He replied softly, "We
keep her because of love. Only because of love."
Baffled and irritated, the young folks wished the old man and his
wife a Merry Christmas and headed back toward the city as darkness stole
through the valley.
So it was, that because of the leave-taking, no one noticed the
insulation smouldering on the frayed wires in the old barn. None saw the
first spark fall. None but the "Old One".
In a matter of minutes, the whole barn was ablaze and the hungry
flames were licking at the loft full of hay. With a cry of horror and
despair, the old man shouted to his wife to call for help as he raced to
the barn to save their beloved goats. But the flames were roaring now, and
the blazing heat drove him back. He sank sobbing to the ground, helpless
before the fire's fury.
By the time the fire department arrived, only smoking, glowing ruins
were left, and the old man and his wife. They thanked those who had come
to their aid, and the old man turned to his wife, resting her white head
upon his shoulders as he clumsily dried her tears with a frayed red
bandana. Brokenly he whispered, "We have lost much, but God has spared our
home on this eve of Christmas. Let us, therefore, climb the hill to the
old pine where we have sought comfort in times of despair. We will look
down upon our home and give thanks to God that it has been spared."
And so, he took her by the hand and helped her up the snowy hill as
he brushed aside his own tears with the back of his hand. As they stepped
over the little knoll at the crest of the hill, they looked up and gasped
in amazement at the incredible beauty before them. Seemingly, every
glorious, brilliant star in the heavens was caught up in the glittering,
snow-frosted branches of their beloved pine, and it was aglow with
heavenly candles. And poised on its top most bough, a crystal crescent
moon glistened like spun glass. Never had a mere mortal created a
Christmas tree such as this. Suddenly, the old man gave a cry of wonder
and incredible joy as he pulled his wife forward. There, beneath the tree,
was their Christmas gift.
Bedded down about the "Old One" close to the truck of the tree, was
the entire herd, safe. At the first hint of smoke, she had pushed the door
ajar with her muzzle and had led the goats through it. Slowly and with
great dignity, never looking back, she had led them up the hill, stepping
daintily through the snow. The kids were frightened and dashed about. The
skittish yearlings looked back at the crackling, hungry flames, and tucked
their tails under them as they licked their lips and hopped like rabbits.
The milkers pressed uneasily against the "Old One" as she moved calmly up
the hill and to safety beneath the pine. And now, she lay among them and
gazed at the faces of those she loved. Her body was brittle with years,
but the golden eyes were filled with devotion as she offered her
gift-Because of love.
Only Because of love.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Rudolph's Night Off
Rudolph's Night Off
by Baxter Black
'Twas the night before Christmas and Rudolph was lame.
The vet from the North Pole said, "Hoof rot's to blame. I'll give him some sulfa. It's the best I can do, but stall rest is needed the next week or two".
"Great Scott", cried old Santy. He turned with a jerk.
"I won't get outta here if my headlights don't work. On Interstate 40 I'll surely get fined, and lost in Montana if I'm flyin' blind. No cop in his right mind would give any clout to a geezer who claimed that his reindeer went out."
He gathered the others, Old Donner & Blitzen. Were there any among 'em whose nose was transmittzen?
They grunted and strained and sure made a mess,
but no noses glowed brightly or ears luminesed.
"It's bad luck in bunches", cried Santy distressed, "but we'll fly Continental, the Red Eye express. I'll look at the schedule". He put on his glasses.
When up walked Old Billy, the goat from Lampasses. He shivered and shook like a mouse on the Ark,
but his horns were a beacon, they glowed in the dark.
Santy went crazy. He asked, "Why?" with a smile.
"I just ate a watch with a radium dial. Where I come from in Texas we don't have thick hide. My skin is so thin it shines thru from inside".
"If that's true then let's feed him', cried Santy with glee.
"Gather everything burning and bring it to me.
So Billy ate flash bulbs & solar collectors, electrical eels & roadside reflectors, firecrackers, sparklers, a Lady Shick Shaver and life savers, all of 'em wintergreen flavor, and jelly from phosphorescelous fish, a dayglow pizza and a glittering dish, fireflies and candles and stuff that ignites, then had him a big bowl of northering lights. He danced on the rug and petted the cat, then after he'd fainished and done all of that, to store up the static electricity better they forced him to eat 2 balloons and a sweater.
When he opened his mouth light fell on the floor like the fridge light comes on when you open the door. His Halloween smile couldn't be better drawn, when he burped accidentally his high beams kicked on.
"Hitch him up", cried Old Santy and they went on their way.
I remember that Christmas to this very day.
The sky was ablaze with the stars shining bright. They were shooting and falling all thru the night.
And I realize now, (tho my fingers are crossed), what I really was seein' was Old Billy's exhaust.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Krankies Farmers Market
Come out Tuesday from 11 until 1 to a mini Krankies Farmers Market in downtown Winston-Salem. We will be inside on the patio of Krankies Coffee.
Crosscreek Farm will be selling grass-fed beef, pasture raised pork and poultry, Katadhin lamb, farm fresh eggs, Moravian pies, jams, goat cheese and cow butter and maybe some sourdough and whole grain breads.
We'll have our Buffalo Gal's goat's milk soap gift sets and bars.
Support your local farmers by picking up some goodies and last minute stocking stuffers!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Santa's Elves

It's been a busy and COLD week at the farm so far.
Santa's elves have stopped by the farm already and few others will be coming by this weekend to pick up guinea pigs for good little boys and girls--and even a good adult or two!
If you've not finished your shopping yet, we'll be available daily until Christmas--give us a call or email and we'll be glad to help!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
You May Be A Farmer's Wife If . . .
You may be a farmer's wife if:
* You call the implement dealer and he recognizes your voice.
* The vet's number is on the speed dial of your phone.
* Your second vehicle is still a pickup.
* Your husband has ever used field equipment to maintain your lawn.
* A night out involves the local 4-H club.
* You've ever washed the kids or the dishes with a pressure washer.
* Picking rock is considered a chance to get out of the house.
* Taking lunch to the field is as close as you get to a picnic.
* You can mend a pair of pants and the fence that ripped them.
* The shopping list in your purse includes the sizes of filters, tires, overalls, chains, belts, lights, cables, spark plugs or shotgun shells.
* You ever went on a date to the rodeo.
* The directions to your house include the words miles, silos, last, or gravel road.
* Lacey or Frilly is a farm animal but not your nightgown.
* Being taken out to dinner has ever included a talk by a seed corn dealer.
* Your farm equipment has the latest global positioning technology and you still can't find your husband.
* You plan your vacations around farm shows.
* Eva Gabor is on your list of Most Admired Persons.
* Quality time with your hubby means you'll have a flashlight in one hand and a wrench in the other.
* Sharing a cab has nothing to do with a taxi and everything to do with getting across the field.
* No one, not even a stranger or farm editor, leaves your house without eating something.
* You're equally adept at helping with your children's math homework or the complicated spreadsheets that detail every item bought, sold or misplaced on the farm for the past 10 years.
* You have the patience of Job, the wisdom of Solomon, the tenacity of a bulldog, and the good nature of Mother Teresa.
* You can deliver a calf, drive a combine, cook dinner for a half-dozen hired hands and still make time to pick the kids up from soccer practice.
* You're equally at home at a PTA meeting or in session with a commodity association committee.
* On Thanksgiving Day, you have to decide which pet to eat.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Feels like Christmas!
I'm sure that you're in full swing with your Christmas shopping by now, so I wanted to remind you of the Buffalo Gal's gift sets.
Prices start at $5.

Contact us at or 336-969-5698 to see what gift sets are currently available or to make a special request.

Thursday, December 9, 2010
Kayak Breakfast at Belews Lake
Being a power plant lake where water is used to cool energy-producing turbines, the heated water at Belews Lake is much warmer than ambient air temperatures. The result is a three-foot deep blanket of warm air - perfect for the kayaker! Ethereal images are created as a warm fog hangs over the lake and “steam devils” dance across its surface. Wildlife including birds, deer and beavers are frequently seen as you paddle to breakfast.
Kayaks and all required gear will be provided, as well as instruction, nature guide, and a hot, mid-morning breakfast along the shoreline. We will begin at 7:30 am and directions to where we launch will be provided upon registration. We will expect to conclude around noon. This trip is appropriate for beginners as well as experienced paddlers.
Your natural history guide is a Certified Level 3 Coastal Kayak Instructor. Members: $40/Non Members: $50.
December 11, 2010 & January 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Pickin' at Priddy's Christmas
This event is always the 2nd Saturday in December.
Santa is from 5-8pm and music is from 7-9 PM
Pictures are available at this event. (Santa is outside and music is held inside store.)
Priddy’s General Store
2121 Sheppard Mill Road
Danbury, NC 27016
Phone: (336) 593–8786
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Walnut Cove Christmas Parade
The annual Walnut Cove Christmas Parade will take place December 11th (2-5pm).
See Santa, local bands, floats, and much more!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
You Know You're A Dairy Farmer If . . .
You know that you're a dairy farmer if:
* your favorite mixed drink includes Yoo-Hoo.
* that billboard that says, 'Say No To Crack' reminds you to pull up your jeans.
* your local newspaper has a front-page feature called 'Cow of the Week.'
* you own a trophy that includes the words 'cow chip toss' on it.
* you practice your cow chip throwing techniques while they're still fresh.
* your kids hide the Easter eggs under cow patties.
* directions to your house include 'turn off the paved road.'
* you have a complete set of salad bowls and they all say Cool Whip on the side.
* no matter how you clean your hands, the dirt under your nails won't come off.
* people come to your door mistakenly thinking you have an auto salvage business.
* your favorite song is -- Old McDonald!
* your sewage system consists of a pipe down a hillside.
* you wake up in the morning already dressed for work.
* taking your wife on a cruise means circling the Dairy Queen.
* your idea of high-quality entertainment is a six-pack and a bug-zapper.
* you think a manicure is some kind of French doctor.
* three-fourths of all the clothes you own have logos on them.
* your mailbox holds up one end of your clothesline.
* you've ever given livestock as a wedding present.
* the Marlboro man is your idol.
* you've ever had a conversation about truck tires that lasted more than an hour.
* you call your wife 'ma' and want her to call you 'pa.'
* you have two pairs of jeans and six pairs of boots.
* your front yard has any broken appliances in it.
* you watch Jerry Springer to see if any of your relatives are on the show today.
* your daddy's last words were 'Hey ya'll look what I can do!'
* your lawn furniture was in your house last summer.
* your car uses more oil than gas.
* your gene pool doesn't have a 'deep end.'
Friday, December 3, 2010
Poinsettia Open House

Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 5, 2010, 12:30 until 4:30pm!
You will not want to miss Mitchells Nursery's Poinsettia Open House. They are growing 9,000 poinsettias and more than 70 varieties. An ocean of color growing in one huge greenhouse! You will enjoy seeing new varieties, voting on your favorites, and free refreshments. They are one of 33 greenhouses in the U.S. and Canada that grow these trials. Come get in the Christmas spirit!
1088 W. Dalton Rd King, North Carolina 27021
phone: 336-983-4107
Thursday, December 2, 2010
"Picking for Paws"
"Pickin For Paws" Bluegrass Event
A Stokes County Humane Society Fundraiser
Reidsville, N.C. The Stokes County Humane Society (SCHS) is hosting its first annual "Pickin for Paws" bluegrass music event on December 4th, 2010 at 7 p.m. at the Rockingham County High School in Reidsville, NC. Tickets are $15 at the door. The event will feature acoustic guitar legend Tony Rice, considered by many to be the greatest acoustic guitar player of all time. Other musicians will be playing to round out the evening with a night of fun and great music in an effort to raise funds for the SCHS. A 175th edition Martin guitar, autographed by Tony, will be auctioned off.
Cindy Baucom, host of "Knee Deep in Bluegrass" and 2005 International Bluegrass Broadcaster of the Year Award winner, will MC the event.
Tony Rice is a huge animal lover and is donating his time to help spread the message about the importance of spay/neuter and animal welfare. SCHS and The Animal Protection Society of Rockingham County (APSRC) will be working together at this event to spread their message and raise awareness about their organizations. If you are unable to attend the event, please consider sending in a tax deductible donation.
SCHS works to raise awareness surrounding the pet overpopulation epidemic which leads to the premature death of an estimated 6-8 million young and healthy companion animals each year, while millions more are abandoned only to suffer illness or injury before dying.
The organization was created in an effort to educate the pet owners of tomorrow, our children about responsible pet ownership as well as pet owners of today who need assistance taking care of their pets during this economic downturn through various programs. SCHS offers a low cost spay/neuter program making it more affordable for people to spay/neuter that otherwise could not do so, thus reducing the number of animals euthanized at the local shelter.
The APSRC is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization run by volunteers that support, encourage and work for change in Rockingham County's animal sheltering and for the animals within the community at large. For those in the community who qualify for assistance, the APSRC offers help with pet food, inoculations, dog housing, spaying, neutering and more. For more information about the APSRC, call (336) 791-4606 or visit .
For information about the "Pickin for Paws" event, call Mona Triplett at 336-994-6117 or e-mail
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