Have you ever wanted to see llamas, pigs, goats, cows, horses and sheep up-close? How about seeing where truffles are grown? Would you like to visit a nature reserve that also produces flowers and vegetables? Or have the opportunity to see honeybees in action and taste the fruits of their labor? Five very diverse farms in Forsyth, Stokes and Surry Counties are opening their gates to visitors for guided tours. This is a great opportunity to learn more about where your food comes from and have a behind-the-scenes glimpse of these five highly regarded Triad-area farms!
When: Sunday, July 12 from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m.
Cost: FREE
Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC in Germanton
Minglewood Farm and Nature Preserve in Westfield
Plum Granny Farm in King
Truffles NC at Keep Your Fork Farm in King
Yellow Wolf Farm in Walkertown
Bring cash and a cooler (you'll be able to buy produce, eggs, cheese, meat and other products at the farms), but please leave your dogs at home!
Map your Farm Tour route: https://www.zeemaps.com/northern_triad_farm_tour
Find each of the farms on Facebook for more details-- and invite your friends to the Facebook event!
When: Sunday, July 12 from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m.
Cost: FREE
Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC in Germanton
Minglewood Farm and Nature Preserve in Westfield
Plum Granny Farm in King
Truffles NC at Keep Your Fork Farm in King
Yellow Wolf Farm in Walkertown
Bring cash and a cooler (you'll be able to buy produce, eggs, cheese, meat and other products at the farms), but please leave your dogs at home!
Map your Farm Tour route: https://www.zeemaps.com/
Find each of the farms on Facebook for more details-- and invite your friends to the Facebook event!
Keep Your Fork Farm
Keep Your Fork Farm is a truffle farm consisting of English oak and European hazelnut trees whose root systems are inoculated with the black winter (Perigord) truffle. See irrigation pond and system, meet a truffle hunting dog and hear details about how truffles are cultivated and made into delicious foods in their NCDA certified kitchen.
Plum Granny Farm
Plum Granny Farm will highlight their specialty crops such as garlic, baby ginger and berries. See honeybees, worm composting, seed planting and more.
Yellow Wolf Farm
Yellow Wolf is a pasture-based, rare, heritage breed, livestock farm producing pork, beef, lamb, chicken, goat, duck and eggs. They also teach classes on how to raise your own meat and eggs, how to butcher poultry and rabbits and charcuterie (meat preparation) lessons. Learn about their pasture-based systems.
Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery
Buffalo Creek Farm will highlight cheese production, dairy goats, grass-fed cattle, pastured sheep and chickens while you view the animals from their Farm Store porch. Play with baby goats and sample cheese.
Minglewood Farm and Nature Preserve
Minglewood Farm and Nature Preserve is an outdoor learning center, located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. They are an outdoor learning resource for children and adults of all ages. The Preserve offers a place to reconnect with nature and understand the importance of sustainable food production, while experiencing the great biodiversity of their region. Walk their fields and trails to learn from all that nature has to offer.