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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Goat Milk Face Soap

Coming next week to the farm store from Long Family Farm in Germanton, NC is goat milk face soap. These pretty little soaps contain goat milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, almond oil, castor oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, wheat germ oil, beeswax and bergamot and geranium essential oils. You'll love them!

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC
Germanton, NC 27019

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery is located on Buffalo Creek Farm Road in Germanton, NC near the intersection of Hwy 65 and Hwy 8 (Germanton Road) at the Forsyth / Stokes County line. We are a few miles north of Winston-Salem and a short drive from Rural Hall, King, Walkertown, Kernersville, Walnut Cove, Danbury, High Point, Greensboro, Pilot Mountain, Mt. Airy and other communities in the Piedmont of North Carolina and Virginia. In our on site Farm Store, we have both raw milk aged goat cheese and fresh chevres, grass fed beef, pastured lamb and pastured free range eggs along with our handmade goat's milk soap and other local goodness.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

King Farmers' Market

Join us at the King Farmers' Market in the parking Lot of the Stokes Family YMCA on Wednesdays starting on May 1st!

We'll be there with our goat cheeses and goats milk soap.

Come to the "Y," exercise and get local food. What could be better than that? 

105 Moore Road
King, NC 27021
May 1 through October 30, 2013
Wednesdays | 11am-1pm

In Season Garden- spinach, arugula, spring onions, spring garlic, assorted Asian greens, including varieties of Pac-choi, Tatsoi, Mizuna aka bitter green, pea shoots, and assorted kale varieties

Moser Manor- spring onions, kale, veggie & herb plants.

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery- Plain and Flavored Chevres: Date & Honey, Sun Dried Tomatoes & Basil, Garlic & Chive, Red Pepper & Onion;  Raw Milk Aged Goat Cheese: Rock House, Saura, St. Philip's and Jessup's Mill; Brined and Marinated Feta Goat Cheese;  Plain and Rolled Farmers Goat Cheese: Herbes de Provence and Black Pepper;  Goats Milk Soap

Salty Dog Farms- Bedding, herbs, and vegetable plants.

Plum Granny Farm- certified organic: spring garlic, baby swiss chard, basil transplants, powdered garlic and other greens; and, raspberry and blackberry jams and sweet potato butter.

Greenberries Farm- Wild garden leaf lettuce, mixed salad greens, green onions, parsley, heirloom tomato plants

Felsbeck Farm- Herbal skin ointments & poultices, herbal soaps & accessories, herbal sachets, herbal teas (free sample tastings); flower, herb & veggie seeds, potted herbs & flowering plants, and salad sprouts (beans, mixed salad sprouts & alfalfa sprouts).

Saturday, April 27, 2013

NEW: Goat Milk Shampoo Bars!

New goats milk shampoo bar in the farm store from Long Family Farm in Germanton, NC. This shampoo bar has peppermint and rosemary essential oils and is great for those of you wanting all natural products.

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC
Germanton, NC 27019

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery is located on Buffalo Creek Farm Road in Germanton, NC near the intersection of Hwy 65 and Hwy 8 (Germanton Road) at the Forsyth / Stokes County line. We are a few miles north of Winston-Salem and a short drive from Rural Hall, King, Walkertown, Kernersville, Walnut Cove, Danbury, High Point, Greensboro, Pilot Mountain, Mt. Airy and other communities in the Piedmont of North Carolina and Virginia. In our on site Farm Store, we have both raw milk aged goat cheese and fresh chevres, grass fed beef, pastured lamb and pastured free range eggs along with our handmade goat's milk soap and other local goodness.

On our Way!

On our way to Cobblestone Farmers Market at Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts this morning with lots of goat cheese and goats milk soap. 

Today we will be sampling brined feta, sun dried tomatoes and basil and date and honey chevres. This market runs from 9 until 12 today! 

Our Farm Store is also open 9 until 6. Sampling is available on all cheeses at the farm store including our newly introduced raw milk aged cheese - Jessup's Mill.

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC
Germanton, NC 27019

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery is located on Buffalo Creek Farm Road in Germanton, NC near the intersection of Hwy 65 and Hwy 8 (Germanton Road) at the Forsyth / Stokes County line. We are a few miles north of Winston-Salem and a short drive from Rural Hall, King, Walkertown, Kernersville, Walnut Cove, Danbury, High Point, Greensboro, Pilot Mountain, Mt. Airy and other communities in the Piedmont of North Carolina and Virginia. In our on site Farm Store, we have both raw milk aged goat cheese and fresh chevres, grass fed beef, pastured lamb and pastured free range eggs along with our handmade goat's milk soap and other local goodness.

Friday, April 26, 2013

We'll have company!

UPDATE:  With the weather supposedly being terrible Sunday afternoon, everyone is welcome to call us at 336.969.5698 before coming for the produce. They are coming rain or shine, but it might save you a trip in case it is so terrible they need to leave early.
Sunday, April 28, from 1 - 4PM. Mother Holtz Farm will be outside the farm store with some of their in season produce - - radishes, swiss chard, lettuce, spring onions and more. Also, they will be selling transplants and herb pots. 
The farm store will be open regular hours, 1 until 6PM on Sunday.

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC
Germanton, NC 27019

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery is located on Buffalo Creek Farm Road in Germanton, NC near the intersection of Hwy 65 and Hwy 8 (Germanton Road) at the Forsyth / Stokes County line. We are a few miles north of Winston-Salem and a short drive from Rural Hall, King, Walkertown, Kernersville, Walnut Cove, Danbury, High Point, Greensboro, Pilot Mountain, Mt. Airy and other communities in the Piedmont of North Carolina and Virginia. In our on site Farm Store, we have both raw milk aged goat cheese and fresh chevres, grass fed beef, pastured lamb and pastured free range eggs along with our handmade goat's milk soap and other local goodness.

Another Cobblestone Saturday!

Visit Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC at the Cobblestone Farmers Market 9 - 12 with a variety of our farmstead goat cheeses and goat milk soap. Plus, our Farm Store will be open regular hours (Monday - Saturday 9 - 6 and Sunday 1 - 6).


The early week rainy weather forecast for Saturday April 27th has turned around! Great news for such a fun-filled weekend with annual outdoor events like Merlefest and Piedmont Environmental Alliance's Earth Day Fair! For those enjoying these events, we hope to see you on the early side this Saturday at the market.

Look out for these items this Saturday:

Myers Mushrooms & More: shiitake mushrooms

Border Springs Farm: Boneless Leg of Lamb, perfect for the grill, special price $10.50/lb

Scattered Seeds Farm: vegetable and herb transplants

Yellow Wolf Farm: heritage pork, eggs, dog treats

Rail Fence Farm: vegetable and herb transplants

  Sanders Ridge: lettuce, kale, spring onions, pimento cheese, wine

Oldtown Farm: asparagus, mixed lettuce, kale, arugula
Sugar Creek Farm (back this week!): arugula

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery: Aged Rock House, Saura, St. Philip's and Jessup's Mill goat cheeses

  Plum Granny Farm: sweet salad turnips, asparagus (green and purple), spring garlic, baby swiss chard

  Krankies Coffee: locally roasted coffee and iced coffee

Market posters (designed by Capture PR) will be available at the information booth for those who want to help the spread the word at their office, school, community center or place of worship. Love the poster and want one for your home? Absolutely, just donate $1 to cover the printing.

The Cobblestone Farmers Market is on Saturdays (9am-12pm) and Tuesdays (10am-1pm) at the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts. The Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts is located at 251 N. Spruce Street in downtown Winston-Salem (1 block off Fourth Street). The Saturday market will return to Old Salem Museums and Gardens on May 18th.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Adult Education @ Tanglewood Gardens

Adult Education @ Tanglewood Gardens


May 1Garden Photography Basics - Mark Weir, avid photographer, will lead a class on
getting good photos of gardens and flowers. The class will include how to set up and frame the
shot, photo composition, lighting and camera settings. Location: Arboretum Office

June 5Edible Landscapes - Adrienne Roethling, Garden Curator at Paul Ciener Botanical
Garden, will present a program on incorporating herbs and vegetables in the home landscape.
She will also talk about some unusual vegetables and what they have done at the Ciener
Botanical Gardens with vegetables in the landscape.
Location: Arboretum Office

July 10Hydrangeas - Diane Demers-Smith, artist, floral designer and Master Gardner
Volunteer, will present a program on growing hydrangeas. She will cover selection of plants for
the site, pruning, pH issues, and preservation of the blooms. Location: Arboretum Office

August 21Heirloom Flowers in the Modern Garden - David Bare, Horticulturist with
Reynolda Gardens and Winston-Salem Journal garden columnist, will discuss how we have
changed heirlooms to fit a more modern concept of how a landscape 'should' be.He will point
out some great underutilized plants as well as share some of his experiences in heirloom gardens
at Old Salem and Reynolda Gardens. Location: Arboretum Office

September 4What You Need to Know to Grow Roses - Jimmy Speas of the Winston-
Salem Rose Society will discuss about a dozen things you need to know to grow roses
Location: Arboretum Office

October 2Growing Blueberries in the Home Landscape - Bill Colvin, Master Gardener
Volunteer, will discuss how to grow blueberries successfully and have a good yield. Preparing
the soil, needed amendments like fertilizer, how many shrubs you need, pruning and harvesting
are all to be discussed in this program.
Location: Arboretum Office

November 6 Holiday Containers - Teresa Myers, one of the owners of Myers Greenhouses,
will demonstrate how to create festive containers for the holiday season. She will also discuss the
care and maintenance of container gardens. Location: Arboretum Office

We signed up for another Farmers Market!

We signed up for another Farmers Market! 
Reynolda Village Farmer's Market
(Reynolda Village Dairy Barn Lawn)
2100 Reynolda Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
April 26 through September 28, 2013
Fridays | 8am-12pm
Check our website for a list of other local stores and markets where customers are now able to purchase our goat cheeses in addition to our farm store. We produce raw milk aged farmstead cheeses, fresh chèvres (soft goat cheese, available plain or flavored), feta (available brined or marinated) and farmers cheese (available plain or flavored) using only milk from our goat herd, in our new creamery.

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC
Germanton, NC 27019

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery is located on Buffalo Creek Farm Road in Germanton, NC near the intersection of Hwy 65 and Hwy 8 (Germanton Road) at the Forsyth / Stokes County line. We are a few miles north of Winston-Salem and a short drive from Rural Hall, King, Walkertown, Kernersville, Walnut Cove, Danbury, High Point, Greensboro, Pilot Mountain, Mt. Airy and other communities in the Piedmont of North Carolina and Virginia. In our on site Farm Store, we have both raw milk aged goat cheese and fresh chevres, grass fed beef, pastured lamb and pastured free range eggs along with our handmade goat's milk soap and other local goodness.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Where to Our Goat Cheese Locally

In the summer of 2012, we began making our first raw milk aged farmstead cheeses, using only milk from our herd, in our new creamery. These cheeses are aged from two to eight months in both natural rinds and waxed rinds. In October 2012, we received our Grade B Goat Dairy license and began selling our goat cheeses in the farm store. In March 2013, we began making fresh chèvres (soft goat cheese, available plain or flavored), feta (available brined or marinated) and farmers cheese (available plain or flavored).

Customers are now able to purchase our goat cheeses at a variety of locations in addition to our farm store.
Due to the seasonality of our products, not all cheeses are available at all times in our farm store or at local markets. Please email or call ahead with any questions.

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC
Germanton, NC 27019

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery is located on Buffalo Creek Farm Road in Germanton, NC near the intersection of Hwy 65 and Hwy 8 (Germanton Road) at the Forsyth / Stokes County line. We are a few miles north of Winston-Salem and a short drive from Rural Hall, King, Walkertown, Kernersville, Walnut Cove, Danbury, High Point, Greensboro, Pilot Mountain, Mt. Airy and other communities in the Piedmont of North Carolina and Virginia. In our on site Farm Store, we have both raw milk aged goat cheese and fresh chevres, grass fed beef, pastured lamb and pastured free range eggs along with our handmade goat's milk soap and other local goodness.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

2013 3rd Sundays Acoustic Jam

Come join everyone at Jessup Mill for an afternoon of bluegrass, old time, country blues music and more. Local favorites, None of the Above, play host to a blend of old time pickin’, open mic and jam. Help us start a tradition whether you come to play or listen or both. Bring your instrument, bring your picnic and bring your friends. Feel free to come early to picnic, fish, swim or float the river.

Time: 3-5 pm on the 3rd Sunday of the month May – October

Jessup Mill

Monday, April 22, 2013

NEW shirts

At the markets this year, it's going to be easy to spot us in our new shirts!  We found Made in Diego on Etsy to print custom shirts for all of us.  They were patient with all of our questions, and did great work on the shirts.
Don't forget that this summer you can find us selling our goat cheeses and goat milk soaps at two farmer's markets (King Farmers' Market on Wednesdays and Old Salem Cobblestone Farmers Market on Saturdays) in addition to our farm store
Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC
Germanton, NC 27019

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery is located on Buffalo Creek Farm Road in Germanton, NC near the intersection of Hwy 65 and Hwy 8 (Germanton Road) at the Forsyth / Stokes County line. We are a few miles north of Winston-Salem and a short drive from Rural Hall, King, Walkertown, Kernersville, Walnut Cove, Danbury, High Point, Greensboro, Pilot Mountain, Mt. Airy and other communities in the Piedmont of North Carolina and Virginia. In our on site Farm Store, we have both raw milk aged goat cheese and fresh chevres, grass fed beef, pastured lamb and pastured free range eggs along with our handmade goat's milk soap and other local goodness.

IncrEDIBLE Plant Sale

Apr 27, 201310:00 amto2:00 pm

Please join the Edible Schoolyard at the Greensboro Children’s Museum for its first IncrEDIBLE Plant Sale. In addition to stocking up on vegetables and herbs for your garden, there will be fun activities, music, food, and more. Bring your family and friends to our free festival celebrating plants, food, and fun!
Location: 220 North Church Street Greensboro, NC 27401
For more information: Contact Tyson Hammer at 336-369-0966 or

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Whatcha think!?

Dinner Time Chimes has created some new bracelets for us, and they have goats and llamas, of course!  The beaded bracelets are made with memory wire, which means there's no clapse to fumble with! They fit comfortably on any adult's wrist.  We should be getting our first bracelets soon to sell in our farm store, but you can contact them directly with any color requests or to have one shipped directly to you!

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC
Germanton, NC 27019

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery is located on Buffalo Creek Farm Road in Germanton, NC near the intersection of Hwy 65 and Hwy 8 (Germanton Road) at the Forsyth / Stokes County line. We are a few miles north of Winston-Salem and a short drive from Rural Hall, King, Walkertown, Kernersville, Walnut Cove, Danbury, High Point, Greensboro, Pilot Mountain, Mt. Airy and other communities in the Piedmont of North Carolina and Virginia. In our on site Farm Store, we have both raw milk aged goat cheese and fresh chevres, grass fed beef, pastured lamb and pastured free range eggs along with our handmade goat's milk soap and other local goodness.

Forsyth County farm making soft goat cheese - Winston-Salem Journal: Food


Forsyth County farm making soft goat cheese - Winston-Salem Journal: Food

Saturday, April 20, 2013

An Ark of Taste to Save the Universe of Flavors

An Ark of Taste to Save the Universe of Flavors
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Frank L. Horton Museum Center (924 S. Main Street)

Presented by Eric Jackson, Old Salem Horticulture Staff

Slow Food’s Ark of Taste highlights over 200 delicious foods in danger of extinction. Many are found growing in the gardens and landscape of Old Salem. Learn how seed saving from the past promotes a sustainable tomorrow -- through the perspective of the Seed Saving Program at Old Salem.

This lunch time workshop will last about one hour. Attendees may bring a lunch; beverages provided.

Hosted by Old Salem Horticulture.
Cost: $5/ Free for Friends of the Gardens.

Please call 336-721-7357 for more information or to pre-register.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Show the World Whose Goat Cheese You Love!

Here's your chance to show the world whose goat cheese you love! 

This design is available on other items too – tote, sweatshirts, coffee cup, apron, etc.
You can see the selecion and buy them here: Cafe Press Store

P.S. There is usually an online coupon for CafePress making the deal even better—percentage off, free shopping, etc.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Saturday is Cobblestone Farmers Market Day!

Cobblestone Farmers Market Old Salem is this Saturday!

Visit Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC at the market 9 - 12 with a variety of our farmstead goat cheeses and goat milk soap. Plus, our Farm Store will be open regular hours (Monday - Saturday 9 - 6 and Sunday 1 - 6).

Springtime is asparagus season- purple and green varieties available! Also, along with spring vegetables and cut flowers, many farms have vegetable and herb transplants- from tomato plants to nasturtiums to basil to celery! Jumpstart your home garden with these this weekend. The weather will be perfect for planting! EBT tokens can be used for vegetable and herb transplants, too!
The Cobblestone Farmers Market is on Saturdays (9am-12pm) and Tuesdays (10am-1pm) at the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts. The Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts is located at 251 N. Spruce Street in downtown Winston-Salem (1 block off Fourth Street). The Saturday market will return to Old Salem Museums and Gardens on May 18th.

Special items this Saturday include:

Heritage Homestead: Ricotta Salata, feta, goat milk fudge, goat cheese spreads: garlic and chive, roasted pepper, basil pesto, fig preserves
Oldtown Farm: asparagus, mixed lettuce, kale, arugula
Shore Farm Organics: lettuce, starter plants, pea sprouts, herbs, kale, swiss chard, spinach, eggs
Three Sisters Artisan Bakery: pound cake by the slice and half cake, Sprouted Ancient Grain and Better Cheddar breads
Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery: Aged Raw Milk Goat Cheese, Fresh Chevre, Farmers Cheese, Feta, Goat's Milk Soap
Plum Granny Farm: sweet salad turnips, asparagus (green and purple), spring garlic, powdered garlic, tomato and basil transplants
Krankies Coffee: locally roasted coffee and iced coffee
Lavender Anne's: herbal soaps cut to order
Yellow Wolf Farm: heritage pork, eggs, dog treats
Myers Mushrooms & More: shiitake mushrooms
Scattered Seeds Farm: vegetable and herb transplants
Rail Fence Farm: vegetable and herb transplants
Sanders Ridge: lettuce, kale, spring onions, pimento cheese, wine

2013 Cobblestone Farmers Market Season Dates:

Cobblestone Farmers Market Downtown: Tuesdays from 10am-1pm, April 16th- November 26th
Saturdays from 9am-12pm, April 13th- May 11th

For the 2013 season, CFM Downtown will be held at the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts (the same location as the Pop Ups).

Old Salem Cobblestone Farmers Market: Saturdays from 9am-12pm, May 18th- November 23rd
The Saturday market will begin at the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts and then move to its regular location in Old Salem on May 18th for the rest of the season. Old Salem is host to the Komen Race for the Cure on May 4th and the Winston-Salem Centennial Celebration on May 11th.

Yum, Farmers Cheese!

Yum - - more Farmer cheese: plain, rolled in black pepper or herbes de Provence too! 
We've noticed that our readers enjoy the seeing how our goat cheeses are made.  This picture was taking in the cheese making room of the creamery (directly below our farm store) and is of a new batch of Farmer cheese in molds. 
Farmers cheese is a simple white cheese made on farms using goat's milk. It has a very mild taste with a crumbly texture. Farmers cheese is made only from curds which are pressed into molds to remove excess moisture. Our cheese is packaged plain; or, for more flavor, the cheese is rolled in either black pepper or herb de provence. Farmers cheese can be eaten with bread or crackers, or crumbled on top of salads.
Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC
Germanton, NC 27019

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery is located on Buffalo Creek Farm Road in Germanton, NC near the intersection of Hwy 65 and Hwy 8 (Germanton Road) at the Forsyth / Stokes County line. We are a few miles north of Winston-Salem and a short drive from Rural Hall, King, Walkertown, Kernersville, Walnut Cove, Danbury, High Point, Greensboro, Pilot Mountain, Mt. Airy and other communities in the Piedmont of North Carolina and Virginia. In our on site Farm Store, we have both raw milk aged goat cheese and fresh chevres, grass fed beef, pastured lamb and pastured free range eggs along with our handmade goat's milk soap and other local goodness

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mark Your Calendar!

Mark your calendar now for Sunday, April 28, from 1 - 4PM. Mother Holtz Farm will be outside the farm store with some of their in season produce - - radishes, swiss chard, lettuce, spring onions and more. Also, they will be selling transplants and herb pots. 
The farm store will be open regular hours, 1 until 6PM that Sunday.
Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC
Germanton, NC 27019

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery is located on Buffalo Creek Farm Road in Germanton, NC near the intersection of Hwy 65 and Hwy 8 (Germanton Road) at the Forsyth / Stokes County line. We are a few miles north of Winston-Salem and a short drive from Rural Hall, King, Walkertown, Kernersville, Walnut Cove, Danbury, High Point, Greensboro, Pilot Mountain, Mt. Airy and other communities in the Piedmont of North Carolina and Virginia. In our on site Farm Store, we have both raw milk aged goat cheese and fresh chevres, grass fed beef, pastured lamb and pastured free range eggs along with our handmade goat's milk soap and other local goodness.

Mob-Grazing with Ian Mitchell-Innes

Mob-Grazing with Ian Mitchell-Innes

May 15, 20139:30 amto5:00 pm
May 16, 20139:00 amto5:00 pm
May 17, 20139:00 amto12:00 pm
The Regular Registration Deadline is April 19. REGISTER NOW and save $50!
Ian Mitchell-Innes
Ian Mitchell-Innes, far left in the hat, quadrupled his stocking rate over the last decade! Learn his mob-grazing techniques at this rare appearance in the Southeast.
South African rancher and the world’s leading mob grazing expert, Ian Mitchell-Innes, will be making a rare appearance in the United States, and his first appearance in the Carolinas. The workshop will be held at beautiful Braeburn Farm in Snow Camp, NC from May 15 – 17, 2013 (Wed-Fri.) We hope you will join us for this unique and exciting two and a half day event. The workshop will involve hands-on pasture walks and special guests.
There are limited spaces available for this not-to-be-missed workshop!
Phone – 919-542-2402
At This Workshop You Will Learn To:
1. Improve your soil quality through livestock management
2. Increase your stocking rate
3. Make your farm more profitable and ecologically sustainable!
By using the methods you will learn at the workshop, Ian has quadrupled his stocking rate over the last decade!
Opportunities like this don’t come around very often and space will be limited as we are expecting a national draw for this event! Tickets are available now in our online store. Lunch will be provided on May 15-16 and is included in the cost.
Lodging: Affordable lodging is available in nearby Burlington, NC including:
Days Inn Burlington East
1370 Truby Dr.
Haw River, NC 27258
Holiday Inn Express Burlington
2701 Long Pine Rd.
Burlington, NC 27215
Courtyard by Marriott Burlington
3141 Wilson Dr.
Burlington, NC 27215
Regular Registration: $399, CFSA members; $449, non-members (until April 19)
Late Registration: $449, CFSA members; $499, non-members (until May 8)
Phone – 919-542-2402

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

It's Time!

Time to make more cheese . . . it is full again!

We make our goat cheeses using only milk from our herd.  You can see them in the pastures surrounding our farm store.

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC
Germanton, NC 27019

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery is located on Buffalo Creek Farm Road in Germanton, NC near the intersection of Hwy 65 and Hwy 8 (Germanton Road) at the Forsyth / Stokes County line. We are a few miles north of Winston-Salem and a short drive from Rural Hall, King, Walkertown, Kernersville, Walnut Cove, Danbury, High Point, Greensboro, Pilot Mountain, Mt. Airy and other communities in the Piedmont of North Carolina and Virginia. In our on site Farm Store, we have both raw milk aged goat cheese and fresh chevres, grass fed beef, pastured lamb and pastured free range eggs along with our handmade goat's milk soap and other local goodness

Monday, April 15, 2013

Growing Blueberries for the Home Gardener

Growing Blueberries for the Home Gardener
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Frank L. Horton Museum Center (924 S. Main Street)

Presented by Bill Colvin Master Gardener

Pick your own! Grow blueberries in your home landscape -- learn how to prepare the soil, how many shrubs to plant, how to prune, and how to harvest.

This lunch time workshop will last about one hour. Attendees may bring a lunch; beverages provided.

Hosted by Old Salem Horticulture.
Cost: $5/ Free for Friends of the Gardens.

Please call 336-721-7357 for more information or to pre-register.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Thank you for all of the support on the first market day of Cobblestone Farmers Market Old Salem!  

It was great to see lots of familar faces and meet new customers, while we sampled our goat cheeses for the first time at a farmer's market.  Now that we know your favorite cheeses, we will bring extras next week!  If you can't wait until then to buy more, come visit as at the farm or purchase some of our cheese at Let It Grow.

As a reminder, the market will be at the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts on Saturdays from 9am-12pm thru May 12, then on May 18 we'll move to Old Salem thru November 23.  Our Farm Store will be open regular hours (Monday - Saturday 9 - 6 and Sunday 1 - 6) throughout the market season.

 Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC
Germanton, NC 27019

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery is located on Buffalo Creek Farm Road in Germanton, NC near the intersection of Hwy 65 and Hwy 8 (Germanton Road) at the Forsyth / Stokes County line. We are a few miles north of Winston-Salem and a short drive from Rural Hall, King, Walkertown, Kernersville, Walnut Cove, Danbury, High Point, Greensboro, Pilot Mountain, Mt. Airy and other communities in the Piedmont of North Carolina and Virginia. In our on site Farm Store, we have both raw milk aged goat cheese and fresh chevres, grass fed beef, pastured lamb and pastured free range eggs along with our handmade goat's milk soap and other local goodness.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Monarch Butterfly Waystation Project

Monarch Butterfly Waystation Project
Thursday, April 25, 2013
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Frank L. Horton Museum Center (924 S. Main Street)

Presented by Harriet McCarthy Master Gardener

Would you like to have these favorite garden visitors in your own garden?
Learn how to attract Monarch butterflies, how to help them survive and even thrive, during their thousands of miles of migration.

This lunch time workshop will last about one hour. Attendees may bring a lunch; beverages provided.

Hosted by Old Salem Horticulture.
Cost: $5/ Free for Friends of the Gardens.

Please call 336-721-7357 for more information or to pre-register.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Earth Day is Coming

Earth Day 2013The annual Piedmont Earth Day Fair is coming to the Dixie Classic Fairgrounds for the first time on April 27 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The fair, organized by the Piedmont Environmental Alliance and sponsored by the city of Winston-Salem, is a free, family-friendly outdoor event.

The Piedmont Earth Day Fair is the largest Earth Day event in the Piedmont, drawing crowds of 7,000 or more annually. This free, zero-waste event provides a full day of entertainment, a variety of all-natural foods, and children’s activities to inspire our youngest citizens to take care of our planet. More than 100 exhibitors demonstrate the sustainable features of their products or services and share their passion for protecting the Earth. Parking is free and valet parking is available for cyclists. Visit for more details.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Cobblestone Farmers Market Old Salem - Opens Saturday, April 13th

First market day for Cobblestone Farmers Market Old Salem is this Saturday, April 13, 2013! 

Visit Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC at the market 9 - 12 with a variety of our farmstead goat cheeses and goat milk soap.  Plus, our Farm Store will be open regular hours (Monday - Saturday 9 - 6 and Sunday 1 - 6).

The Cobblestone Farmers Market will include the usual delights as well as these featured items:

- Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC (back this year after building their creamery in Germanton): Aged Raw Milk Goat Cheese, Fresh Chevre, Farmers Cheese, Feta, Goat's Milk Soap
- Plum Granny Farm: spring garlic, powdered garlic, tomato and basil transplants, blackberry plants, salad mix, baby kale and swiss chard
- Krankies Coffee: locally roasted coffee and iced coffee
- Harmony Ridge Farms: arugula, spring onions
- Shore Farms Organics: lettuce, starter plants, pea sprouts, herbs, kale, swiss chard, spinach, eggs
- Fat Bear Farm: sweet potatoes
- Beta Verde: dill pickles
- Billy Place Farm: Muscovy duck eggs, Red Russian Kale, red cabbage, big red mustard, eggs
- Three Sisters Artisan Bakery Tarheel Brownies (made with NC organic wheat flour), focaccia, lots of gluten free breads, double dark chocolate cherry and cranberry almond ginger biscotti
-Yellow Wolf Farm: pasture raised pork, eggs, dog treats
-Camino Bakery: Cinnamon Rolls, Sticky Buns, Seedy Levain, Whole Wheat, and Multigrain Sandwich bread
-Heritage Homestead: feta, gouda, camembert, goat cheese fudge (dark chocolate and semi-sweet), and flavored goat cheese spreads
- Felsbeck Farm: multi-colored carrots, herbal teas and ointments
- Sanders Ridge: spinach, swiss chard, brussels sprouts
- Oldtown Farm: Red Russian Kale and arugula

!!!!Also at market this Saturday: Winstead Farm, Truffles NC, Scattered Seeds Farm (formerly Bethania Bottoms Farm), Pascal Farm, Lavender Anne's, Myers Mushrooms & More, Border Springs Farm, Grace Meadow Farm, Meadows Family Farm, RailFence Farm, FarmGirl Arts, Gary's Produce!!!!

Look for Sugar Creek Farm, Moser Manor and Karadhova's Specialty Cuts in a few weeks and seasonal vendors throughout the year!

The Saturday market will be held at the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts from 9am-12pm.

Sheep to Sweater Event!

Sheep Happens! And it will be happening at The Thread Bear Quilt Shop in Walnut Cove on Saturday, April 13 starting at 10:00am, when Armstrong Lambs will bring sheep to the shop for shearing! There will be spinning demonstrations and possibly some weaving as well as crochet and knitting demos. Learn about wool felting and Make-and-Take some Kool Aid-dyed felted beads.

No Farms No Food

Doesn't get any more simple than this -- No Farms No Food

Workshop: The Business of Farming

Workshop: The Business of Farming

Apr 28, 20138:00 amto5:00 pm
There are lots of workshops that teach you how to farm – how to grow vegetables efficiently, manage your pastures, care for your livestock, how to prune your fruit trees. But there are not a lot of workshops that teach you the basics of making your farming venture a success. When you are first starting out, you have tons of business questions that are hard to find answers to, such as:
-How to price your products
-How to sell your products – Wholesale vs. Retail
-Farmer’s Market selling techniques & booth set up
-Customer Relations
-Marketing, Advertising & Sales
-Web Marketing – social media, web sites, email marketing
-Budgeting, Bookkeeping
-What types of insurance you need
-How to get financing
-Grant writing
-How your local NC Extension Office can help you
Traci Nachtrab, co-owner of Lucky 3 Farm in Louisburg, NC will teach this workshop. She has a background is in corporate marketing and has successfully created and operated two small businesses. She has a passion for teaching others, so the idea of this business workshop was born!
We will also have several guest speakers with expertise in their fields, such as:
  • Martha Mobley, Franklin County Extension Office
  • Amy Mustian, AgCarolina
  • Wayne Champion, NC Farm Bureau
  • Jon Parks, Dijital Farm
Download the flyer about the all-day intensive Nuts & Bolts workshop. This workshop will be intense – with few breaks – because we will pack so much information into the program. Bring their laptop computer if you have one.
Location: Franklin County Extension Office (Louisburg NC)
Cost: $125
Registration information
  • $25 discount for couples to share a notebook
  • If you’d like to sign up, email me and then send a check for the full amount to Traci Nachtrab, 384 Greys Mill Rd, Louisburg NC 27549.
  • Cancellation Policy: If you cancel 10 days before the class, you will get a 90% refund. If you cancel within 10 days of the class, there will be no refund.
  • 5% of the proceeds will go to the Franklin County Livestock Association.
This workshop will NOT teach you how to farm. It will teach you how to successfully run your farm business. This workshop is for new farms and for existing small farms with an interest in increasing your farm business income and skills.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Traci.
Traci Nachtrab 919-853-6304 919-795-2028 cell

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Our NEW business cards are here!

Part of our preparation for King Farmers' Market at the YMCA and Cobblestone Farmers Market at Old Salem Museums & Gardens was to order more business cards. Do you like design we chose too?
In addition to the farmers markets, our goat cheese is available at the farm store daily!
Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC
Germanton, NC 27019

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery is located on Buffalo Creek Farm Road in Germanton, NC near the intersection of Hwy 65 and Hwy 8 (Germanton Road) at the Forsyth / Stokes County line. We are a few miles north of Winston-Salem and a short drive from Rural Hall, King, Walkertown, Kernersville, Walnut Cove, Danbury, High Point, Greensboro, Pilot Mountain, Mt. Airy and other communities in the Piedmont of North Carolina and Virginia. In our on site Farm Store, we have both raw milk aged goat cheese and fresh chevres, grass fed beef, pastured lamb and pastured free range eggs along with our handmade goat's milk soap and other local goodness.

Home & Garden Library Series (Spring 2013)

Forsyth County Cooperative Extension
Home & Garden Library Series
Spring 2013

 TO REGISTER: Call Kitrinka Gordon at 336-703-2850 or email

These programs are presented by Forsyth County Cooperative Extension Agents and by Master Gardener Volunteers. Lectures are 1 to 1 1/2 hours with time for your questions.

 Decorative & Producing Vines - Going Vertical
April 15 at 11am - Carver Library
April 24 at 6pm - Rural Hall Library
Are you limited on space and looking for a way to add more plants to your garden? Why not consider vines and go vertical? There are many vines available that are not too aggressive or invasive. Annual and perennial vine varieties will be discussed along with the cultural and pruning requirements.

Organic Gardening
April 10 at 6:30pm - Central
The organic gardener prefers to use natural and organic materials and methods to grow vegetables, flowers and even the lawn. Learn how to use the least amount of synthetic chemicals and practices that may be detrimental to your health or environment. We will also look at fertilization and pest control practices.

Intermediate Vegetable Gardening
Mar 26 at 6:30pm - Clemmons
April 18 at 2pm - Malloy Jordan
May 4 at 10:30pm - Southside
Learn how to take your garden to the next level and expand your summer garden to a 3 or 4 season garden. Discussion will include soil amendments, fertilization, weed control, what vegetables to grow and how to grow them. You will also learn how to grow your own vegetable transplants and how to save heirloom seeds.

Easy Care Annuals
April 16 at 7pm - Southside
Find out about some wonderful
annuals that are easy to care for in the
landscape. You will get tips on adding
different plants to the landscape that have low maintenance. Learn the basics of site preparation of the flower bed, plant selection, planting techniques, maintenance and more.

Improving Indoor Air Quality with Plants
April 18 at 4pm - Reynolda Manor
Many plants do an excellent job of scrubbing the air clean of contaminants, especially inside our homes. Learn about the types of plants to use throughout your home, how to care for them and where to place plants to help improve indoor air quality.

Advanced Vegetable Gardening
April 22 at 10:30am - Kernersville
May 15 at 6:30pm - Malloy Jordan
Learn the basics of organic gardening, irrigations methods, harvesting as well as cultural practices such as companion planting to increase your production.

Container Gardening with Herbs & Flowers
April 23 at 6:30pm - Clemmons
Container gardens are options for people with limited garden space. Find out which plants grow good in containers and what kind of containers work best. Planting and caring for containers once planted will be discussed.

Container Gardening with Vegetables
May 6 at 10:30am - Kernersville
Container gardens are options for people with limited garden space. Containers are mobile and can be moved to different locations. Find out which vegetable plants thrive in containers and what kind of containers work best.

Butterfly and Hummingbird Gardening
May 11 at 11am - Central
Learn how to develop a butterfly/hummingbird garden in your yard. Invite some fascinating and colorful winged friends to visit the plants you are growing. Find out what plants these winged friends prefer and how to culturally take care of them.

Edible Landscaping
May 14 at 6pm - Clemmons
Learn how to develop an edible landscape or transition your existing landscape into one with edible plants. Growing edibles is an option for gardeners who have limited space or who want to incorporate fruits and vegetables into their garden beds without having to establish garden space for edibles alone. Find out which edible plants will do well in the existing or transitional landscape.

Low Maintenance Gardening
May 16 at 4pm - Reynolda Manor
May 23 at 10:30am - Lewisville
Learn all the steps to help reduce the maintenance in your home landscape. We will take a look at various low maintenance plants and give lots of tips on reducing the time you need to spend on maintaining your landscape.

Growing Small Fruits
May 18 at 10:30am - Walkertown
Home grown fruit tastes so much better than store-bought! Learn how to grow fruit-bearing plants including preparing the soil, using amendments and fertilizer, how many plants for the area, pruning, and harvesting.

Growing Daylilies
May 20 at 11am - Carver
Learn all the steps to successfully growing and adding various types of daylilies to your landscape. This easy perennial is one that has low maintenance and wonderful blooms.

Low Cost Home Maintenance
May 28 at 7pm - Rural Hall
Short on time and money? This program will help you increase your knowledge and develop skills in maintaining your home (inside & out) with cleaning tips for every room as well as maintaining the area with affordable and safe products.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Workshop: Ducks 101 – From Pond to Table

Workshop: Ducks 101 – From Pond to Table

May 18, 201310:30 amto4:00 pm

Duck Dance Farm and Smoking Goat Epicurean Arts present
Ducks 101: From Pond to Table
This one day workshop will cover all areas of sustainably farming with ducks, including breed selection, hatching and husbandry, harvesting and processing, and cooking. This will be an interactive workshop with opportunity for Q&A.
A gourmet lunch will be provided, featuring different methods of preparing duck. Additionally, we will have duck meat, duck eggs, ducklings, and breeding pairs for sale.
Registration is $115 before May 1, then increases to $135.
Space will be limited to 20 participants. / 828-536-9144

Sunday, April 7, 2013

go(a)t cheese?

In the summer of 2012, we began making our first raw milk aged farmstead cheeses, using only milk from our herd, in our new creamery. These cheeses are aged from two to eight months in both natural rinds and waxed rinds. In October 2012, we received our Grade B Goat Dairy license and began selling our goat cheeses in the farm store. In March 2013, we began making fresh chèvres (soft goat cheese, available plain or flavored), feta (available brined or marinated) and farmers cheese (available plain or flavored). 
In the spring of 2013, you will be able to purchase our goat cheeses at a variety of locations in addition to our farm store.  Look for our cheeses at Let It Grow Produce (Country Club Road in Winston-Salem), King Farmers' Market (Parking Lot of the Stokes Family YMCA on Wednesdays), and Old Salem Cobblestone Farmers Market (Adjacent to the Single Brothers Garden at the intersection of West Street and Salt Street in Winston-Salem on Saturdays). 

Due to the seasonality of our products, not all cheeses are available at all times in our farm store or at local markets. Please email or call ahead with any questions.
Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC
Germanton, NC 27019

Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery is located on Buffalo Creek Farm Road in Germanton, NC near the intersection of Hwy 65 and Hwy 8 (Germanton Road) at the Forsyth / Stokes County line. We are a few miles north of Winston-Salem and a short drive from Rural Hall, King, Walkertown, Kernersville, Walnut Cove, Danbury, High Point, Greensboro, Pilot Mountain, Mt. Airy and other communities in the Piedmont of North Carolina and Virginia. In our on site Farm Store, we have both raw milk aged goat cheese and fresh chevres, grass fed beef, pastured lamb and pastured free range eggs along with our handmade goat's milk soap and other local goodness.