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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Work Day

Today proved to a messy, rainy day with temperatures in the 30's. Quite a change from the 50's and 60's that we enjoyed the first of the week. No outside work today! This morning it was time to give CDT and pneumonia vaccinations to the new kids. I gave 24 kids two vaccinations each and disbudded a few too. I also did some deworming on 4 adult goats, trimmed one set of hooves and put collars with tattoo numbers on them on some of the latest kids. It was nice and cozy inside the barn out of the weather. A good day to get this job done. Just as I predicted, "Chunky Monkey", one of my Nigerian does and Ebony, another Nigerian, decided to kid this evening in the cold, rainy weather. Ebony delivered quints on her own. One of the little does was stillborn leaving me with 3 bucks and 1 doe kid. A couple of them look like their dad, Dude. Ebony is a small black doe and you would have never suspected that she had 5 kids inside of her. As I'm blogging, "Chunky Monkey" is in labor. She's pawing at the ground, "talking" and trying her best to get to Ebony's kids. She thinks they are hers. Hopefully, it will not be much longer and she'll have her own.

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