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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Ten Commandments of Goat Raising

  1. Thou shalt not expect goats to make thee wealthy.
  2. Thou shalt not pay more for a goat than you can afford to lose. No matter how healthy a goat is when you buy it, it may not adapt to your farm and management style.
  3. Thou shalt NEVER, never look at a pedigree before inspecting the animal. What you see is what you get.
  4. Thou shalt forget how cute the kids are and buy mature stock. If you want cute little kids, raise your own.
  5. Thou shalt remember, most of the time, a producer is selling you a good animal but is keeping the very best for his/her own herd.
  6. Thou shalt ask to see health and herd records. A producer who keeps good records is proud of them and will not be offended.
  7. Thou shalt have fencing, shelter, basic supplies, and a feeding/health plan in place before you buy your first goat.
  8. Thou shalt establish a good relationship with your local Ag Extension Agent and Veterinarian.
  9. Thou shalt learn that most producers are honest and want to sell you an animal that you can brag about and thou shalt quickly learn to steer clear of the others.
  10. Thou wilt learn that most goat producers are the friendliest, most accommodating folks you will ever find.

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