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Sunday, February 21, 2010

What's This?

This is what happens when you breed rabbits to be 8 weeks old for the Easter holidays and it is cold outside . . . nesting boxes are rounded up every night around 5PM so the bunnies (kits) can spend the night inside a heated building. We use a wagon in order to carry several boxes at once.
The nesting boxes are numbered to correspond to the doe's breeding record card located on the front of her cage to prevent mix ups. Rabbits will nurse each other's kits if you get them mixed up. However, if they are mixed up, you will not have good record keeping.
The kits are taken back to their does at 11AM every morning when the temperature rises to 40 degrees or more. They will remain in the cage until around 5PM.
Bunnies are born hairless and with their eyes closed. They cannot regulate their body temperature until they are a few days old. In cold weather, they will die despite being born in a box full of rabbit fur unless they are kept warm.
Because of the below normal cold weather we continue to have, they will be spending nights inside for approximately 2 weeks travelling back and forth between their cages and the barn. Despite being a day old, you can hear their nails scratching and voices squeaking in the nesting boxes.
Does only nurse their young once a day so removing them for the night is not a problem.

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