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Thursday, September 10, 2009

"To Do" List

Today started out with a list of "to do" jobs that just didn't get done. It was one of those days. Between the telephone ringing, visitors and a misty day, those jobs just got pushed back until tomorrow. We did manage to get some of the mowing done that we had planned but have more to do. The baby zebu calf, still unnamed as of yet, is getting around well. She's been to the top corner of the pasture where the hill is so steep that we have to hold onto the fence to climb up and down when she was less than 10 hours old. I didn't like where she was so I carried her back down the hill to the hay ring with her mooing all the way. It's a good thing that she is so small and easy to carry - - weighing in at 23 pounds. This afternoon she managed to show herself off by being near the road for everyone to see. She definitely slows down traffic because she's so small and cute. We hauled a round bale of hay in between the rain showers for "the boys" in the buck pen. They were glad to get a fresh bale of hay. Tonight I had good intentions of making Rosemary Mist soap but I forgot to thaw out the milk. So, I spent my time shrink wrapping some loofah sponge soap and getting it ready to sell. The loofah soap has been my best seller so far but I had been out of it for a couple of weeks because I couldn't keep up with the demand . I've got a good inventory of it now and was able to reduce the price of that soap from $4.50 to $4.00 by finding a better source for my loofahs.

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